208-345-ILBA (4522)
FAQ's //

ILBA Membership Q & A

My establishment is doing fine...Why should I join the ILBA?
...For Positive Results and Peace of Mind! It is important for every licensed beverage holders in the State of Idaho to protect the value of their license(s). Becoming a member of ILBA assures you of being a part of that collective voice working to protect your rights and the value of your investment. The challenges we face are numerous and complex. Together we create buying power, legislative interest, and recognition as significant contributing members to the economy of Idaho. Please read our ABOUT US section for more specific information.

What are the benefits of ILBA membership?
Besides Local, State and National legislative updates, joining the ILBA allows for our members to take advantage of great discounts and programs offered specifically to ILBA. BMI and SESAC have partnered with ILBA offering additional discount to ILBA members in good standing. American Beverage Licensees (ABLUSA) offers a 25% Constant Contact discount to member. In addition, you have a platform for sharing information on continuing education, training, business, and all matter that affect your business.

Can I join the ILBA online or do I need a visit from an ILBA representative?
You can join the ILBA online by clicking on the pink "JOIN US" button on the homepage. You will be directed to fill out an information form and you may pay by credit card using our secure portal or by mailing a check to ILBA, 5208 W. Irving St., Boise, ID 83706. If you need more information, please call 208-345-ILBA (4522) or email: ilbacommdir@gmail.com.

What does it cost to join the ILBA?
There is an annual fee of $400.00.

What if I own multiple bars or establishments?
As business owners ourselves we understand how valuable your time and money is. This is why your first establishment fee is $400. A donation of $100 for each additional location is acceptable.

How many establishments does ILBA represent?
The ILBA currently represents licensees reaching from Sandpoint to Idaho Falls. We continue to grow as licensees realize the benefits of networking and legislative representation.

What is ILBA's stance on privatization? Quota? Specialty licenses?
For information and an ongoing dialogue concerning these important issues, become a member and join the discussion. We hear stories, concerns, and regional interests but cannot work effectively and efficiently without a unified voice. To date, Idaho's license holders have depended on a few to carry the burden and ball. Unfortunately, that is expensive and chancey! Join together for the peace of mind that you have a voice....a powerful voice.
How effective we are in passing legislation that benefits the industry and defeating legislation that adversely affect the industry depends on staying informed and active in the Association.

I am already an ILBA member but want to become more involved, what can I do?
OMG.....ILBA needs YOU! There are always opportunities to help support the ILBA whether it be attending recruiting appointments, volunteering for a committee, running for State Office, or providing us with contact information for other non-members. The more we communicate, the more involved you are, the more profitable we all become as an organization and as a viable industry.
Contact Us!

Where can I find specific alcohol licensing information?
Idaho State Police - Alcohol Beverage Control Division - maintains a FAQ website for general alcohol information, qualifications for alcohol licenses, and alcohol licensing information.
Idaho State Liquor Division is the source for informaiton on distilled spirits.